Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 7: Simple Blogging

The week before I came out of blogging hibernation and started The Nester’s 31 Day writing challenge for October, the roof leaked.

On October 1st, the day I started blogging again, there were workmen here removing and patching and painting and playing loud music and basically talking to each other in a loud shout all day.

And my topic is Enjoying Simple Things.


I am laughing as I type.

Day 7: Simple Blogging

The week before I came out of blogging hibernation and started The Nester’s 31 Day writing challenge for October, the roof leaked.

On October 1st, the day I started blogging again, there were workmen here removing and patching and painting and playing loud music and basically talking to each other in a loud shout all day.

And my topic is Enjoying Simple Things.

I am laughing as I type.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 4: The Answer is At Home



I am a searcher, a treasure hunter, an explorer, a flea marketeer, a person who loves nothing more than making a round.

I enjoy doing all of those things very much.

This being out and about is fun and entertaining.

But the real answer for simple living for me lives in being in my home.


And HOME really is where my heart is.