Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 7: Simple Blogging

The week before I came out of blogging hibernation and started The Nester’s 31 Day writing challenge for October, the roof leaked.

On October 1st, the day I started blogging again, there were workmen here removing and patching and painting and playing loud music and basically talking to each other in a loud shout all day.

And my topic is Enjoying Simple Things.


I am laughing as I type.

Day 7: Simple Blogging

The week before I came out of blogging hibernation and started The Nester’s 31 Day writing challenge for October, the roof leaked.

On October 1st, the day I started blogging again, there were workmen here removing and patching and painting and playing loud music and basically talking to each other in a loud shout all day.

And my topic is Enjoying Simple Things.

I am laughing as I type.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 4: The Answer is At Home



I am a searcher, a treasure hunter, an explorer, a flea marketeer, a person who loves nothing more than making a round.

I enjoy doing all of those things very much.

This being out and about is fun and entertaining.

But the real answer for simple living for me lives in being in my home.


And HOME really is where my heart is.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

31 Days of Enjoying Simple Things

     Welcome to 31 Days of Enjoying Simple Things!

For the month of October, I will be participating in a 31 Day writing challenge via

Join my for Day 1Scroll Down to read Day 1.

Click each title below to read the other days - I’ll be adding a link each day!

Day 1 -

Day 2 -

Day 3 -

Day 4 -

Day 5 -

Day 6 -

Day 7 -

Day 8 -

Day 9 -

Day 10 -

Day 11 -

Day 12 -

Day 13 -

Day 14 -

Day 15 -

Day 16 -

Day 17 -

Day 18 -

Day 19 -

Day 20 -

Day 21 -

Day 22 -

Day 23 -

Day 24 -

Day 25 -

Day 26 -

Day 27 -

Day 28 -

Day 29 -

Day 30 -

Day 31 -


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Remember wide world of sports?

Remember ABC’s Wide World of Sports on Sunday afternoons with Jim McKay?

I can still remember sitting in the den at the ranch, watching winter sports on Sunday afternoons with my family.

Long before cable sports programming took over, in winter months, we watched downhill skiing , ski jumping, and ice skating, all on Wide World of Sports.

Well, folks of the same era, this  performance by U.S. skater Jason Brown , as he skated to earn a berth on the U.S. Olympic team, is worthy of Wide World of Sports.
